Established in February 2023, the "Women and Children in Need" Organization is passionately dedicated to effecting meaningful change in the lives of women, girls, and children who confront the denial of essential rights, particularly access to education and the opportunity for self-sufficiency. Our unwavering commitment revolves around delivering vocational training, capacity-building initiatives, financial support for underprivileged youth by collection of small donations, and the empowerment of women , all while providing expert educational guidance. Through strategic partnerships with both national and international organizations, as well as a global network of devoted volunteers, our mission is to ignite empowerment and illuminate a more promising future for those facing adversity. Our focal points and programs are strategically aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ensuring that we contribute to the overarching goal of sustainable community development. We firmly believe in mentoring and empowering girls and young people to facilitate socio-economic transformation through active participation. Our vision is to establish thriving communities equipped with skills, affording individuals the opportunity to lift themselves out of poverty and take effective action to address issues related to education and entrepreneurship.